On June 28, 2018 on the territory of Kalibr Technopark, the II annual conference "Innovative solutions and new technologies changing the transport industry" was held.
The event was organized by Kalibr Technopark with the support of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Moscow Government; Association "AUTONET", Association of Operators and Developers of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Innovation Agency of Moscow, Moscow Export Center, State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" and the Russian-Singapore Business Council.
Welcoming remarks were made by Mikhail Kogan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalibr JSC; General Director of Kalibr JSC, Sergei Sevostianov; Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Science and Industry Alexander Smetanov. Mr. Smetanov noted that Kalibr Technopark has been developing the direction of unmanned vehicles for several years, attracting specialized residents and forming a professional community.
The rich business program of the Conference, which was attended by over 150 people, was divided into three thematic sections - from the prospects for the development of the automotive industry to urban infrastructure for unmanned vehicles.
The conference was moderated by a well-known journalist, deputy editor-in-chief of the Autoreview publication Leonid Golovanov.
Twenty thematic reports were voiced by representatives of government agencies and companies - industry leaders, including the Federal Road Agency, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI", JSC "RVC", the Moscow Chamber of Commerce, MADI, LLC "Electric Transport Technologies", Copter Express Oleg Ponfilenok, The Skolkovo Foundation and others. The foreign guests of the event were colleagues from France - FAAR Industry Electronic Automotive Systems.
Some of the topics touched upon by the speakers were announced for the first time - for example, the "Winter Way" competition from RVC, aimed at developers of unmanned vehicles.
Each conference participant could receive real-time advice on export support measures from the Moscow Small Business Credit Assistance Fund and the Moscow Export Center.
In the exhibition area relevant developments were presented by the companies EV-TECH LLC , LLC GK "Geoscan", KB "Reynolds".
Since 2018, the official website of the conference has been launched on the new platform, and the mobile applications "Unmanned vehicles" are also available to participants