Children's animation technopark welcomed first graduates!

21 students of the course “Basics of 3D modeling”, “Computer animation in augmented reality” and “Computer animation and motion capture technologies” demonstrated their final projects - objects for 3D games, motion picture projects and robots in augmented reality , received instructions from teachers and successfully coped with an interesting task - creating your own three-dimensional game model. Teachers also told students about additional software that will be useful for creating their own projects in the future. After presenting certificates of courses and gift tickets to the Arena Space VR network of attractions, a sweet table and informal communication with teachers and staff of the children's animation technopark waited for guests of the event.
In June, graduates will continue to study at the children's technology park as part of a two-week summer intensive course. The summer program includes the basics of 3D modeling (students will be able to create any three-dimensional model, work out its structure and prepare for the next stage of training) and the basics of 3D printing (three-dimensional projects are prepared for printing on 3D printers, disassembled into layers, set correct parameters and print the finished item). In addition to classes, participants wait for activity in the fresh air, team building trainings, intellectual board games and much more. Dates of the first shift of summer intensive: June 17-28 from 10:00 to 16:00.
You can learn more detailed information and sign up in the VKontakte group and by phone: +7 (495) 730-32-53.