The first meeting of the new public structure, the Committee on Industrial and Investment Policy, took place at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Welcoming the new association within the walls of the Chamber, Suren Vardanyan, the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, expressed hope that the committee will be able not only to solve highly specialized problems, but also to prepare proposals to the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow City Government in various areas of financial, economic and industrial activity.
"It is advisable for metropolitan entrepreneurs to enter the export market," he noted. "And in this sense, we are lobbying for the interests of our companies so that they can fully enjoy all the benefits and preferences provided by the city authorities and the Moscow Export Center."
The Committee includes enterprises from Moscow technology parks operating in various fields of entrepreneurship. This includes the production of prosthetic and orthopedic products, and the development and manufacture of professional measuring instruments, and the factory for digital printing on fabrics, and material processing using lasers and industrial automation systems, as well as other companies. They united not by industry, but to solve common problems specific to any type of business.
And one of the main problems is the development of the domestic high-tech market and the protection of the interests of Russian manufacturers.
"The topic of import substitution is very important for domestic enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses," said Mikhail Kogan, chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Investment Policy.
The report was made by the executive secretary of the committee, Alexander Rodionov, who did a lot of work on the analysis of Internet resources covering activities in the field of import substitution. “Despite the fact that there are a lot of government support measures for enterprises that have decided to engage in import substitution, it’s practically impossible to find out exactly what measures, where, to whom and how they are provided, what documents a small business needs to collect to receive state support,” said Alexander. "The information is spread across various sites, it is very small, often it is not relevant and is very outdated."
Thus, the first proposal to the Moscow City government from the Committee on Industrial Investment Policy should be to create a network portal dedicated to the import substitution policy in the Russian Federation as a whole, and in the capital in particular.
“The main goal of this resource is to disclose in detail thematic legislation, all existing support measures for domestic entrepreneurs from various sectors of the economy, and also to reflect all the necessary indicators of import substitution and relevant statistics on their platform,” said Alexander Rodionov.
“Updating the data on the specified network portal should carried out at regular intervals so that everyone can get quick and easy access to new information and track the dynamics of changes in the inter existing industry of the Russian economy. "
In addition, members of the committee drew attention to the problem of certification of products manufactured by Russian manufacturers, and also paid attention to issues of its competitiveness. On the one hand, all products developed and manufactured by Russian entrepreneurs in our technology parks are pure import substitution. But on the other hand, in order to officially recognize these products as Russian, businessmen have to go a long and thorny path.
As the general director of Digital Devices Yury Kurylenko said, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2015 No. 719, the criteria for confirming production in the Russian Federation are as follows: the presence of a special investment contract; the presence of an examination certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the presence of a certificate of origin of goods. And if the second and third points are still somehow feasible, then the presence of an investment contract (worth at least 750 million rubles, by the way!) - for a small business, the condition is unattainable in principle!
“We consider it appropriate to amend this government decree, expanding the possibilities of confirming the production of products on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Yuriy Kurylenko said.
“In particular, it is proposed to develop new approaches to recognizing Russian products. In addition, in our opinion, it is more logical to grant the manufacturer status than to each individual product. In our opinion, this measure will help stimulate knowledge-intensive production in Russia, as well as reduce the burden of collecting special documentation for Russian manufacturers contributing to the development of the domestic market and implementing the state program on import substitution. "
The next meeting of the Committee on Industrial and Investment Policy, at which experts will talk about the results of their work, will be held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a month.
Prepared on the basis of the materials of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and