The 4th International Conference on Additive Technologies was held at Kalibr Technopark

On October 10, the IV International Conference “Russia on the World Market for 3D Printing: Own Path or Global Context?”, organized jointly with the Moscow Polytechnic and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was held at Kalibr Technopark.
Welcoming speech were made by Mikhail Kogan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalibr PJSC Sergey Sevostianov, General Director of Kalibr PJSC.
Together with representatives of Kalibr PJSC, the conference was opened by Christopher Miller, Program Manager in the Russian Federation, World Bank Group.
The event program was divided into four thematic sections:
Government policy: is it possible to introduce additive technologies at the system level,
Software: innovative approaches to additive manufacturing,
3D printing materials,
Innovation in equipment.
In the first section, reports were made by representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Center for Additive Technologies JSC , Moscow Polytechnic Institute, FITNIK LLC, AB Universal LLC , ParaMatters Inc. The topics covered issues of education in the field of additive technologies, existing mechanisms of state support for innovative companies, technology transfer and prospects for the development of 3D printing.
Speakers from MSC Software RUS, MAI, TRIANGULATIKA LLC, IGA Technologies, Ideal Tools and Z-Axis spoke in the section on new trends in additive manufacturing software. Experts discussed the vectors of development of Russian software, the possibilities of import substitution in modern realities, and new software solutions that meet the needs of industrial companies.
Section moderator Alexander Rodionov noted: “Software and digital models are the main value of additive technologies. Without a doubt, the one who can realize this type of product whose design provides the necessary consumer properties due to less weight, a better combination of strength qualities with an external shape, etc. wins the competition in the high-tech market. This trend leads to the fact that today there is a clear need not only to effectively use industry software, but also to be able to quickly refine it, adapt it to a set of new production tasks or to new types of printing devices. ”
In the section “Materials for 3D-printing”, the speakers of the companies REC LLC, Top 3D Group LLC, Filamentarno, iGo3DRussia, Energoavangard made presentations on leading methods and materials, on modern trends in the development of additive technologies in industry, highlighted the topic of new spheres of application.
The Executive Director of REC, Dmitry Miller, noted that with the rapid development and introduction of additive technologies in production processes, the demand for domestic materials for 3D printing is becoming increasingly relevant. So in 2018, metal printing enjoyed well-deserved attention; in 2019, new plastic materials for 3D printing that are worthy of attention appeared .
The fourth section was devoted to innovations in equipment. Specialists of AddSol, Additive Manufacturing, i3D, Modern Equipment, Central Spa, IMPRINTA shared with colleagues news in the field of additive technologies and spoke about successful experiences of 3D printer usage instead of old technologies on the basis of the Russian companies.
During the day, the exhibition was available to the participants. There were presented not only know-how from the speaker companies, but also the unique Meteor 3D children's printers.
Mr Kogan noted: "Holding our own industry conferences is one of the few elements of interaction with residents that are extremely important for the development of the technology park, and we are glad that this is not the first time that most of the audience has visited us."
You can watch the recording of the online broadcast organized by conference partner -Revuer - here.