Kalibr Technopark- DESY. Scientific and practical seminar with German research institutes

On November 19, in the conference hall of Kalibr Technopark (Godovikova St., 9, building 4), scientific practical seminar “The opportunities of industrial cooperation with German research centers DESY and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht” will be held.
The audience:
High-tech companies in the field of materials science, additive technologies, pharmaceutical industry, natural sciences, etc., applying or planning to apply the results of studies obtained on the basis of DESY in their activities.
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is one of the world’s leading particle accelerator centres. Researchers use the large-scale facilities at DESY to explore the microcosm in all its variety. The accelerators and detectors that DESY develops and builds at its’ locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen are unique tools for science and research.
DESY provides access for industrial companies to its’ research infrastructure, including measurements at the beamlines of the synchrotron, analytic in the DESY NanoLab, prototype developments by the highly specialized workshops or quality testing of different materials. The highly interdisciplinary DESY campus in Hamburg brings together world-class researchers from a variety of different fields. Start-ups and spin-offs from research find as well a desirable infrastructure with unique networking possibilities in this setting.
DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association, Germany’s largest scientific organization.
Learn more: http://www.desy.de/index_eng.html
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) is specialised in coastal and materials research. The main HZG materials research areas are advanced engineering materials, materials research with neutrons and synchrotron radiation, active biomaterials and regenerative medicine. The German Engineering Materials Science Center (GEMS) is the central user access platform of the HZG. As part of the Institute of Materials Research, it provides a worldwide unique infrastructure for complementary research with photons and neutrons. GEMS operates instruments dedicated to materials science at the synchrotron DESY in Hamburg and at the neutron source FRM II in Garching near Munich.
At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, we co-operate with industry, public authorities and other institutions. At GEMS special services are offered to partners using the unique capabilities of photons (synchrotron radiation) and neutrons:
Learn more about our methods and showcases for industrial applications: https://hzg.de/institutes_platforms/gems/industrial_liaison_office/index...
Dr. Sabine Jaehmlich
Industry Relations Manager DESY
Sabine Jaehmlich holds a PhD in Marine Biology and worked as a postdoc at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research.
In 1999 she started working in the private sector as a project manager in a software company in Kiel, since 2002 she has been head of customer projects department and was responsible for sales and services in her position as key account manager of the German, Indian and Arab markets.
Sabine joined DESY in 2017, where she has been responsible at DESY Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT) for establishing and expanding contacts with industry.
Dr. Marc Thiry
Industry Liaison Officer Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht / GEMS
Dr. Marc Thiry has studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg, Germany. After having obtained his PhD in the field of semiconductor nanoparticles from the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Hamburg in 2010, he worked as a project leader at the Center for Applied Nanotechnology (CAN) in Hamburg, working on industrial contract research. Marc started his role as Industrial Liaison Officer at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) in 2012, connecting industry with the state-of-the-art materials science research at HZG.
Participation in the event does not require registration fees.
Pre-registration is required.
Registration link: https://tekhnopark-kalibr.timepad.ru/event/1062036/
* Photo by DESY