Technopark establishes business contacts with Chengdu (China)

In order to expand scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and China, the Chengdu delegation visited Kalibr Technopark on October 31. The main topics for discussion were international innovation and entrepreneurship, industrial cooperation between Chengdu and Russia, the organisation of production chains, joint innovative and entrepreneurial projects. The delegation included representatives of the International Technology Transfer Network, the Chengdu Scientific and Technological Bureau, the regional cooperation and investment projects department, and others. During the tour, guests from China were shown the production capacities of the companies Ev-Tech LLC, PKF Linas, Reynolds, Avea Technology LLC and others. The delegation was particularly interested in the new reconstructed building of the Technopark, which will receive new tenants in 2020. As expected, the space of transformable coworking in the new building will be in demand, including among representatives of Chinese companies. More information about Technopark development plans: