Kalibr Technopark with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry invite you to take part in the meeting of the MCCI Committee on Industrial and Innovation Policy -Anti-crisis support measures for business: opinions of entrepreneurs and performance assessment, which will be held on July 30, 2020 on the Zoom online platform.
For the development of entrepreneurship, an effective system of state regulation and support is required, especially in times of crisis. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship in general is an important condition for the development of the country's economy.
The state takes an active part in the development of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. In 2020, small and medium-sized businesses are faced with a large number of challenges associated with the difficult economic conditions caused by the pandemic. Many enterprises were forced to temporarily suspend their activities, transfer employees to a remote mode of work. Entrepreneurs faced a decline in demand for goods and services, the inability to pay rent, staff reductions, etc. In this regard, packages of measures to support small and medium-sized businesses were adopted at the federal level. However, business representatives see the need to supplement or adjust the measures taken.
As part of the online meeting, representatives of the business community, entrepreneurs, and representatives of the banking industry will speak. The meeting participants will exchange views on the impact of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic on the state of business in Russia, will assess the support measures taken, and share their experience of using them. The meeting will also discuss the impact of the pandemic on the work of the banking system in Russia, the global experience of fighting the crisis in 2020, measures to support entrepreneurs taken abroad.
The format of the event involves a free exchange of views, discussion of topical problems, as well as the development of proposals for support measures during a lively discussion.
Contact person -Kristina Lilichkina (tel .: +7 (495) 730-09-24, mob. + 7-911-832-92-20, e-mail address: k.lilichkina@kalibroao.ru).