Technopark "Kalibr" has passed voluntary accreditation

The Kalibr Technopark has been voluntarily accredited by the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia. Based on the results of the inspection of the production facilities of existing residents and technological infrastructure facilities, the experts of the AKIT of the Russian Federation concluded that the industrial site meets the basic requirements of the GOST R 56425 – 2021 Standard "Technoparks. Requirements".
The Kalibr Technopark is a platform for the development of innovative technologies and solutions that unites more than 150 companies and unique infrastructure facilities on one territory.
One of the key advantages for business is more than 20 years of experience in the commercial real estate market and in the field of innovative industry, an impeccable reputation, as well as the ability to create comfortable conditions for any industry specializations, including instrumentation and metalworking; additive technologies; unmanned vehicles and electric vehicles; telecommunications technologies; medical research; hydrogen energy; creative industries.
Kalibr PJSC actively cooperates with leading Russian development institutions, industry support funds, industry associations, and develops a network of international contacts. Annually tenants of the Territory use federal and city support measures – subsidies, benefits, development programs.
The voluntary accreditation of the technopark is carried out by the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia in order to confirm the infrastructural capabilities of the industrial site to provide potential tenants with production, laboratory and administrative premises, as well as the necessary energy, utility resources and auxiliary services necessary for residents to carry out production, scientific and innovative activities.