New export directions were discussed at the site of the Kalibr technopark

On June 7, at the Technopark site, a meeting was held between members of the ICCI Committee on Industrial and Innovation Policy and residents with the Vice-President of the ICCI Suren Vardanyan. The topic of the meeting, which brought together companies from such different industries as aviation, electronics, light industry, IT, was ways to enter new foreign markets of friendly countries.
Suren Vardanyan spoke in detail about the opportunities and limitations faced by Russian companies in the light of new export directions. Among the mentioned countries with which Russian manufacturers cooperate, and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry assists in establishing contacts and organizational issues, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China and many other areas. Suren noted that country commissions function at the level of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which can provide assistance in various areas - from consulting on market niches to opening a representative office.
Mikhail Kogan, Chairman of the ITCI Committee on Industrial and Innovation Policy, member of the Board of Directors of PJSC Kalibr, noted that the process of finding partners in new countries is a slow process that involves studying the specifics of the market, cultural and business features of the local environment, associated costs, therefore ITCI is one of the important partners capable of providing comprehensive support for those who are just going to explore new directions.
The company Data Partner LLC, interested in working in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, received a recommendation to contact local digital clusters and prepare for the mandatory opening of a separate legal entity. ATB Electronics voiced a question about cooperation with India, Indonesia, Iran. In addition to these areas, the company was invited to consider Oman, which is set to expand cooperation with Russia. Another company, Solstudio textile holding, has asked for help in connection with plans to enter the Chinese market.
At the end of the meeting, it was noted that, despite the local specifics of the countries, there are opportunities for cooperation and export expansion in all friendly countries. Meetings with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and companies that are ready to share their experience in foreign countries are expected to become regular at the Technopark site.