On June 19, specialMeeting was held with representatives of Moscow engineering industry, including power engineering, heavy and railway engineering, machine-tool construction, automotive engineering and robotics. Organized by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow, the meeting brought together representatives of state institutions and managers of industrial enterprises to discuss topical issues of the industry and trends for its further development.
Opening the meeting, the head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow City Government, Alexei Fursin, announced the key topics for discussion. These are, first of all, the instruments of state support for industrial enterprises of the city as a whole and the engineering industry in particular, the results of existing support programs and the possibility of their improvement.
Another important topic of the meeting was the mechanisms for training qualified personnel for industrial enterprises and the popularization of working professions. For instance, Moscow City holds special action "Days without turnstiles" - a quarterly campaign, in which each and especially the younger generation can come on a tour of the plant and see modern technical equipment in action.
Special attention at the meeting was paid to the Register of products of individual branches of mechanical engineering, which should become the marketplace of Moscow industrial manufacturers. According to the deputy head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow City Government, Christina Volkonitskaya, the registry will soon become the most complete catalog of products that capital enterprises produce.
Tatyana Redko, Deputy Director General of Renault Russia, Tatyana Redko, General Director of KOSKO, Sergey Matveyev, Dmitry Chukhantsev, General Director of TONAP, Vyacheslav Osipov, Deputy Director of the MIVAR Research Institute, and the leaders of other companies in the engineering industry Moscow market, and also shared ideas of development and improvement.
“Industry meetings are a constant source of ideas and inspiration. All the ideas, problems and questions expressed by the participants are taken into account when developing new measures to support the Moscow machine-building enterprises and are subsequently shaped into specific tools, ”said Alexey Fursin.
The event was attended by tenants of Technopark Kalibr, among them - "AVEA TECHNOLOGY"LLC, "PROJECTOR"LLC , OCTAVA ELECTRON DESIGN, etc.
The material was prepared on the basis of the official post-release of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow City Government.
Photo: Natalya Gartseva.