Briefly about the important 3. Significant news of our tenants and not only

Technopark Kalibr tenants took part in Moscow industry events this month:
Startup Village - 2019 in Skolkovo
Startup Village 2019 is the seventh annual international startup conference for technology entrepreneurs. At Startup Village, startups meet with investors, learn from their experience and knowledge of successful entrepreneurs from different countries, present their projects at the competition and in the innovation market, and major technology corporations, government officials and development institutions discuss technological trends and ways to form a new generation of Russian entrepreneurs.
The Technopark Kalibr tenant - EV Tech LLC- presented their unique hybrid engine for electric cars, designed without the use of permanent magnets.
Metalworking - 2019
"Expocentre" held the 20th international specialized exhibition "Equipment, instruments and tools for the metalworking industry."
Two Technopark Kalibr tenants - CKA Spa LLC and TH Bulat LLC - participated in the exhibition.
CKA Spa LLC presented the latest optical heads from Precitec, which features three protective glasses, integrated Bluetooth module for diagnosing the head using a mobile phone, as well as a compact modern design
Also during the exhibition, anyone could familiarize themselves with the company's product, the optical sensor of the scanSPA, which is a measuring system for contactless recognition and tracking of connecting joints between parts, as well as 3D product geometry.
The products of laser machines were presented at the booth of TH Bulat LLC: laser engraver, equipment for laser welding. In addition, all visitors were able to get professional advice from specialists and get acquainted with the company's products.
First Russian Electric Transport Festival "ELECTRODAY"
Kalibr Technopark tenant, EV Tech LLC, took part in the First Russian Electrotransport Festival ELECTRODAY - sports, educational and recreational event for people who love movement and speed. These are meetings with people open to everything new and advanced in the field of movement.
The purpose of the Festival is to show the possibilities of modern types of electric transport, their use for movement in the city, parks, creation of modern electric transport infrastructure.
The Technopark tenant presented its test assembly of a three-wheeled electric car of class A. Only national components are used in the production: of these, body elements, a power unit, electronics, wheels, chassis elements and plastic products are designed. The electric car can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour, it has a cruising range of 100 kilometers on one charge and can accommodate two people. You can charge the battery through a normal network of 220 volts, it will take from one and a half to two hours.
Austrian delegation visited Technopark
On May 29, 2019, the Austrian delegation arrived to the Technopark; among the participants were R & D directors, heads of innovation departments, technical directors of companies and educational institutions (universities and scientific organizations).
Welcoming the guests, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalibr JSC, Mikhail Kogan, spoke about the prospects for joint cooperation with Austrian companies: “Any type of room is available for accommodating Russian and foreign companies at the Kalibr Technopark. Currently there are no vacant spaces in the technopark territory. However, already in 2020 we are preparing for the arrival of new residents. Now Technopark is expanding - soon the reconstruction of the new engineering and laboratory building of Technopark will be completed. The management company is doing everything possible to ensure that residents are engaged only in business, and not in solving everyday tasks. ”
At the end of the meeting, the delegation visited the tenants: GenTerra JSC, Solustudio Industry LLC, Bask LLC, Ev-Tech LLC.
NaukaSoft LLCtook part in the XII International Conference "Transport Security Systems"
On April 11-13, 2019, the Annual International Conference on Transport Security in the context of the rapid development of digital and cyber-physical technologies took place in Slovenia.
The conference was attended by 60 representatives of industry science, manufacturing companies and organizations from Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the United States and the Czech Republic.
David Albert - Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Research and Design Department of NaukaSoft LLC presented his report on the topic “Problems of using batteries in transport”. He spoke about the trend of increasing the consumption of electric energy in all types of transport and the prospects for the use of lithium-ion batteries. These most energy-intensive power sources currently have significant operational limitations, and in their report, David talked about how to compensate for the shortcomings of batteries by applying an active thermal stabilization system, as well as a device for element-by-element monitoring of battery conditions in the battery and their active balancing.