On 22nd September the Russian event called "Bike to work" will be held - In Moscow the event is carried out by the Let's bike it! and will run for two weeks, from 14th to 27th September. In the context of the coronavirus, the event has only become more relevant. A bicycle minimizes physical contact with others and at the same time helps meet the minimum need for daily physical activity, improves health and does not harm the environment.
Kalibr Coworking to support the Bike to Work campaign traditionally provides participants with discounts on the rent of workplaces at the Light Month and Fix Month tariff from 14th to 27th September. To receive a discount you should tell the coworking administrator the promo code "Bike to work". Also for all participants of the campaign - a sports ground (by prior reservation) with all the necessary equipment for playing football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton - free of charge, during the entire tariff period.