Expert session "Smart Moscow": how artificial intelligence changes life in the city"

The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with Kalibr Technopark, invite you to take part in the meeting of the MCCI Industrial and Innovation Policy Committee “Smart Moscow: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Life in the City”, which will take place on 29th October 2020 on the Zoom online platform.
Artificial intelligence technology is part of the smart city concept. Penetrating into all areas of the city's activities, artificial intelligence is designed to simplify and improve the quality of services provided as well as speed up the work of city services. Together with other technologies, artificial intelligence makes a city “smart”. This concept includes the comprehensive implementation of infocommunication technologies in the management of city property, transport, supply services, etc. with the aim of more reasonable use and expenditure of resources and improving the quality of life of citizens.
Among the confirmed speakers are representatives of the Moscow Innovation Agency, the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting of the ISSEK HSE, Oracle. Comments are also expected from the World Bank, relevant government bodies, enterprises developing or applying AI technologies, including on a city scale.
Using the example of specific projects, the meeting participants will exchange views on the implementation of the concept of a "smart city" and its main components.
The format of the event involves an analysis of the main issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in the urban environment, foreign experience in the development of "smart cities", coverage of current problems and possible ways to solve them.