Financial Support Measures Are Offered to Moscow Companies in the Additive Sector

The Moscow Foundation for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship is ready to act as a financial partner in the implementation of projects in the field of additive technologies implemented by Moscow enterprises.
Metropolitan enterprises representing the sector of additive technologies were told about the city's support measures that allow them to implement high-tech projects in production. The Moscow Foundation for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship introduced the conditions for obtaining soft loans to the company. This was announced by the head of the Department of investment and industrial policy of the city of Moscow Alexander Prokhorov.
The representatives of the Foundation took part in the work of the V International Conference on Additive Technologies, which took place at the site of Kalibr Technopark.
“Supporting high-tech industries is one of the priority areas of our work, because it is their products that largely determine the development of the entire industrial sector in Moscow. One of the most effective tools for solving priority production tasks is the provision of loans of up to 300 million rubles at a reduced rate - only 2-4% per annum. It allows you to receive material support for launching export projects, purchasing software or paying for the services of an integrator company, replenishing working capital and other purposes, "said the head of the department.
According to Anatoly Garbuzov, the General Director of the Fund , the Moscow Fund for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship is ready to act as a financial partner in the implementation of projects in the field of additive technologies implemented by Moscow enterprises. “The Fund has developed the IT Product - this is a targeted concessional loan, the funds of which can be used to develop additive technologies in industry,” he said.
Within the framework of the conference, which was held in an online format and brought together more than 200 experts, the participants discussed issues of software and equipment for additive manufacturing, the topic of new materials for three-dimensional printing, and also shared their innovative solutions in this area. In the final part of the conference, the participants discussed the latest equipment in the field of 3D printing and its scope.