Results of the Creative Industries Festival: All about fashiontech

On August 14 and 15, 2019, the Festival of Creative Industries: All about fashiontech was held on the territory of Kalibr Technopark. Design specialists, academic specialists, public figures and officials came to work together to achieve common goals and to outline the main directions of development of the creative industries during the sections. The proposals of all participants in the event formed the basis of the resolution of the Festival, which was written after two-day event.
Today, the interest in the potential of creative industries, development of art clusters, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies in production processes is at the peak of growth. According to statistics, 14% of all specialists involved in the field of creative industries in Russia are situated in Moscow, while there is a serious gap between the regulatory framework, infrastructural capacities and existing players in the new economy. The All about fashiontech forum was created with the goal of constructive communication and accumulating the experience of all fashiontech market participants, including manufacturers of high-tech products, representatives of industry-specific educational institutions, government, innovative zones and startups.
Today, Technopark is one of the drivers for the development of the city innovative economy. Startups are united, manufacturing companies, specialists are engaged in the creative industries sector on its territory.
During the business program of the first day, important issues such as:
How does the city plan to develop a creative economy and what steps have been taken in this direction ?;
How do technology parks and other innovative sites develop companies in the creative sector ?;
Where does a fashiontech startup get their first investment ?;
What government support measures will help find new markets ?;
What new products to expect in the market of equipment for digital printing ?;
What opportunities does Kalibr Technopark offer as part of creative industries cluster in 2020?
On August 15, within the framework of the festival, the 1st International Creative Industries Competition EXERCIS-2019 was held. The event was held in the format of viewing video clips of collections of young designers and evaluating the submitted works by a professional jury. The winners will be awarded on September 17 at the 53rd Textillegprom Federal Fair (September 17-20) at VDNH.
Special educational session from the fashion retail school and the excursion to the textile cluster (Solstudio and Bask companies), as well as to the children's animation technopark were organized for the participants of the event.