In order to stimulate the development and implementation of innovative ideas, to create innovative technologies, and support talented authors of innovative ideas and inventions, the Moscow Mayor's Innovator Prize was established in accordance with Moscow Government Resolution No. 983-PP of August 6, 2019.
On December 10, 2019, the selection of projects for participation in the competition for the award Innovator of Moscow in three categories was announced: Project of the Future; Changing reality; Leaders of Innovation. In each nomination there are 5 directions Medicine and Pharmaceuticals; Artificial Intelligence and IT-technologies; Transport; Urban environment; Energy.
The competition involves citizens of the Russian Federation living in Moscow and carrying out activities in the field of technical innovations and innovative solutions. You can participate in the competition individually or as part of a team/department.
To participate, you must fill the questionnaire and attach to it a copy of the title of protection (if available), a copy of the passport, a copy of registration at the place of stay or a letter from the place of work or study (if there is no registration in Moscow),presentation about the project, photos and videos (if availabile), consent to data processing and additional materials.
More information about the competition on the website: + at the link
You can apply at: Romanov per., 4s2, 4th floor (BC “Romanov Dvor-2”) from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 (except for non-working holidays)
tel. 8-495-620-20-00 (11422), e-mail: