On 2nd October 2020 a workshop, organized in cooperation with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was held at Kalibr Technopark on the topic: “Change Management: Current View. How to Take Into Account Unmanaged Changes?"
The speaker is Elena Filippova, an international business consultant. At seminars and workshops she transfers her experience in advertising and T&D which is 20 years.
The workshop was attended by heads of companies, HR-managers, heads of departments as well as financial and commercial directors.
The theoretical part of the workshop program included information on how to create an effective team in an era of change, key aspects for psychological stabilization of staff, how to increase the ability of employees to adapt to changes.
During the practical part, the participants worked out the acquired knowledge in practice, participated in the discussion of typical mistakes in communication, created an effective team and assigned roles.
At the end of the seminar, the participants expressed their gratitude for the seminar and shared the most useful skills gained during the event.
Kalibr Technopark and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry have been annually holding joint seminars on various topics for residents and employees since 2019.