Moscow Expands Opportunities to Support Industrial Enterprises

The changes guarantee the preservation of the conditions of special investment contracts (SPIC) of the capital, which from 2019 must be concluded at the federal level, and also clarify and supplement the concepts of special statuses that give the right to benefits.
Corresponding amendments were introduced by the Moscow City Duma into two laws: "On the investment policy of the city of Moscow and state support for subjects of investment activity" and "On the industrial policy of the city of Moscow." This was told by Vladimir Efimov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.
He noted that the amendments to the laws adopted by the Moscow City Duma bring the capital's legislation in line with the federal one. In particular, the concept of the status of an industrial technopark and its resident was introduced, which were previously fixed at the federal level. In the future, criteria for assigning a new status and possible benefits for industrial technoparks and their residents will be developed.
In addition, the law guarantees the preservation of support measures for special investment contracts previously signed by Moscow. Currently, five SIC projects are being implemented in the capital. The total volume of private investments under these agreements exceeds 7.7 billion rubles, and it is also planned to create more than 3.7 thousand new jobs under them, - said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow.
Vladimir Efimov clarified that the already signed special investment contracts guarantee investors the preservation of support measures - a decrease in income tax from 17 to 12.5%, zeroing of property tax, an almost 100% reduction in land tax and rental rates for land.
In addition, the amendments clarified the concept of an anchor resident, as well as a resident of a technopark or industrial park. Now investors can obtain these statuses by working not only in already established technoparks and industrial parks, but also in the territory that is still being created (within the framework of an investment priority project).
What is SIC?
A special investment contract is an instrument of industrial policy, with the help of which the city stimulates investments in the creation and modernization of production facilities. From 2019, SPICs can only be concluded at the federal level. That is, only the Russian Federation can be public partners of an investor and an enterprise.
Thanks to the amendments adopted by the Moscow City Duma, all SICs signed earlier in the capital remain in effect on the terms on which they were concluded.
Who has already received a SIC status
Alexander Prokhorov, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy spoke about several projects that are being implemented within the framework of special investment contracts.
As part of SIC with the Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation, the modernization of the Nizhniye Kotly industrial park will be completed by 2023. The volume of private investment in the project will amount to about 2.1 billion rubles. Also, thanks to the SIC, a meat processing plant will appear in the Western Administrative District of the capital. The new food processing facility will be built in 2021. The volume of private investment in the project will amount to more than 1.2 billion rubles, - said the head of the department.
Strogino Technopark is also expanding under SIC. More than 600 million rubles will be invested in the modernization. According to Alexei Fursin, the head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development, now this technopark locates 38 companies that are engaged in digital technologies, as well as the production of medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
«The status of a priority investment project allows the technopark to compensate for a number of expenses on lease payments, payment of interest on loans and the cost of technological connection to engineering networks, ” - stressed Alexey Fursin.
Also, within the framework of a special investment contract, the company-manufacturer of parts for automobiles will invest over 1.2 billion rubles in the construction of a new plant for the production of stamped parts for automobile bodies. Another company is modernizing the production of concrete, cement and plaster products. Investment in the project will amount to 2.6 billion rubles.
Moscow is the leader in investment activity among Russian regions. A favorable environment has been created in the capital for the development of the industrial and innovation sector: the city provides administrative assistance, provides tax preferences and creates the necessary infrastructure.
Since 2016, a special program has been in effect in the capital to support existing efficient industrial enterprises, technology parks and new investment projects in the real sector of the economy.