The Procedure for Obtaining Subsidies for Business Has Been Simplified in Moscow

To process payments, you will now need half the documents, and the application can be finalized within 10 days.
In Moscow the procedure for obtaining subsidies for business has been simplified. To process payments, you will now need half the documents.
On March 10 a new stage of accepting applications for business subsidies from the Moscow Government begins in the capital. In case of incomplete completeness or inaccuracies in the package of documents, the application can be finalized within 10 days. But this opportunity is provided only once.
Some of the documents are now needed only to increase the score of the enterprise. At the same time, their absence will not serve as a reason for refusing to allocate a subsidy.
The support can be obtained by:
- hotels;
- organizations in the field of children's education, leisure and sports;
- social enterprises;
- franchisees (companies operating under a commercial concession (subconcession) agreement or a license (sublicense) agreement);
- residents of technology parks, special economic zones and creative technology parks;
- members of the Moscow Innovation Cluster (MIC) in the manufacturing industry, science, information and communications;
- participants in the MIC inter-industry clusters in the field of creative industries.
"Taking into account the great demand for support from the city, we continue the subsidy campaign, while significantly simplifying the conditions for receiving assistance," said Alexei Fursin, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow.
With the help of subsidies, companies are able to reimburse the cost of paying interest on development loans, as well as leasing or purchasing equipment from their own resources. Hotels, social enterprises and priority social sector organizations can also offset utility costs. In addition to these types of costs, the franchisee has the opportunity to compensate the remuneration to the franchise owner.
Since 2021 opportunities have been expanded to compensate for the costs incurred by entrepreneurs. Companies will be able, with the support of the city, to reimburse funds spent from January 2020 (and not from the beginning of this year, as it was before).
At the end of last year the Moscow Government approved more than three thousand applications for financial support for a total of almost three billion rubles. Subsidies for franchisees, for participation in exhibitions, for the promotion of products using food delivery services, as well as for export became the most demanded for the capital's business. In total, Moscow business received 1.4 billion for these purposes.
In 2020 residents of technoparks and participants of the Moscow Innovation Cluster were approved 434 million rubles in the form of special subsidies that compensate for the costs of purchasing equipment from their own funds, credit or leasing, as well as part of the costs of supporting and developing activities.
For example, Topaz R&D Center, which develops power plants for gadgets and robotics, received a subsidy of 5.4 million rubles for the purchase of an electron microscope, high-temperature ovens and amperstat (a device that maintains a constant current in a particular cell). Another company, the manufacturer of Pneumoapparat pneumatic equipment, received a subsidy of three million rubles for the lease of a lathe. A developer and manufacturer of devices that allow high-speed data transmission over the network, Neoros received 10 million rubles from the city in 2020 to purchase a device for optimizing network traffic, equipment for telephone communications, as well as heating, ventilation and water supply systems.
In total, in 2020 the Moscow Government adopted five packages of anti-crisis measures to support Moscow business for a total of about 90 billion rubles. These include the cancellation of payments for the lease of urban land plots and non-residential premises for the period of suspension of activities, a deferral until the end of 2020 of advance payments on property and land taxes, compensation for property tax and land payments, as well as assistance in lending, subsidies and grants to small businesses. ... These measures cover 13 sectors of the economy and more than 50 thousand organizations.