Optimism and Micro-Nature in the Drawings of the Textile Design Talents Solstudio Award 2021 Winners

The winners of the international textile design competition Textile Design Talents Solstudio Award 2021 where Kalibr Technopark is a partner.
This year 400 designers from 112 cities and 26 countries are participating in the competition. The list of countries is updated annually, along with European countries, participants from South Korea, Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tabago, Colombia, Brazil, USA joined the competition.
The competition for textile designers is held for the fourth year in a row by Solstudio Textile Group and SOYUZLEGPROM with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Interfabric exhibition. Its goal is to support talented artists, bring them to the attention of professionals from all industries and create conditions for growth in the industry.
International jury: Giovanni Ottonello, Art Director of IED Istituto Europeo di Design, Italy; Manon Mangin, fashion department Première Vision; David Shah, founder of the international magazine Textile View; Izabel Wharton, print & graphics editor WGSN; Debbie Buchan, Director of the AVA CAD/CAM Service Department. As well as leading Russian experts in the field of textile design: Alena Akhmadullina, founder of the brand of the same name; Andrey Razbrodin, President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of the Textile and Light Industry; Alexandra Kaloshina, founder of Solstudio Textile Group; Irina Rybaulina, Head of the Department of Art of Textile and Ornament, Russian State University A.N. Kosygin.
An international jury evaluated more than 2,500 works, determined 20 finalists and three winners.
Jury members on the results of the competition
David Shah, founder of the international magazine Textile View said "I really liked the themes of the competition. Micro-nature and optimism are the key directions at the moment. Overall, the work was of a high standard, but to be honest, less inspiring and innovative than I expected. On the Micro Nature theme, many turned to the obvious work of texture and tachism - great execution, but not surprising. In the Optimism theme, the sense of color is quite obvious, with a “safe” tendency to work with dense flat color in the style of the 70s, but with a lack of figurativeism and humor. I definitely want to note that there were some really first-class ideas and breathtaking works.
Giovanni Ottonello, Art Director of IED Istituto Europeo di Design said “I am always interested in how a pattern is born. It's amazing to watch the emotion and idea behind the flower drawing, every stroke of the brush. The competition contains a lot of talented works filled with passion and joy of life. Often, clothing designers do not put fabric first and this is a big mistake. Understanding how the fabric falls, how the light reflects, how the color and pattern emphasize the shape, give the dress individuality.”
Alena Akhmadullina, creator of the Alena Akhmadullina brand said "Traditionally, when working in the jury, we choose an intern. For us, it doesn't have to be the winner of the competition. It is important that this artist has his own original view of the drawing of the fabric and the style, consonant with our company."
Alexandra Kaloshina, founder of Solstudio Textile Group said "This was the fourth competition period, and we are beginning to see how the approach of the participants is changing, especially those who submit their work not for the first time. The works correspond to the task, analytical work is visible, the desire to approach outside the box. This year, the competition has significantly expanded its geography. The participation of artists from different countries always gives a particular breadth of approach to topics. All works are laid out in the public domain on our website and those who decide to participate next year will be able to study the drawings collected over three years and get an accurate idea of how to act"
Competition winners
1st place – Yevgeniya Yarigina (Russia)
The main prize for the winner of the competition from the European Institute IED Istituto Europeo di Design in Italy, Como - a two-week summer internship in the program "Textile Design: Forecasting Trends, Drawing and Printing" in English with a flight to Italy provided by SOYUZLEGPROM.
2nd place – Viktorya Daneva (Italy)
Epson Color Cartridge Printer & 10 Winner's Own Design T-shirts.
3rd place – Julia Shora (Russia)
Digital printing on fabric of the winner's pattern collection, consisting of 10 designs of the participant's choice, at the Solstudio Industry factory.
Prizes in special nominations were provided by the partners of the competition: licenses for the use of the program and certificates for the training course "Training for CAD Specialists (CST)" from AVA CAD / CAM for the winners, internships in the Solstudio Textile Design studio and in the company of the Alena Akhmadullina brand, interviews with winner from Fashion Collection magazine, as well as prizes for all finalists from Pantone and Kalibr Technopark.
Website: https://solstudiodesign.com/award/
About the company
Solstudio Textile Group
The company has been working in the textile industry for over 20 years.
Solstudio Textile Group is three interconnected divisions.
Solstudio Textile Design - a textile design studio creates textile patterns - designs for fabrics and sells them to 30 countries around the world, is the only permanent Russian participant in Premiere Vision (Paris), Intertextile Shanghai (Shanghai), Munich Fabric Start (Munich), Indigo (New -York). The studio's drawings are on the trend stands of the leading textile exhibitions, they are referenced by world authorities in fashion analytics, such as WGSN.
Solstudio Industry is a digital fabric printing factory. Drawing is carried out on all types of textile bases: natural, artificial, mixed.
Radical Chic is a brand of accessories (shawls, scarves, umbrellas and clothing). Shawls made of natural silk, wool and cashmere are presented in three own stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at 65 points of sale throughout Russia.