Solstudio Textile Design Wins the First Grant Competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives With the Print-a-porter® project

Solstudio Textile Design won the first grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives with the Print-a-porter® project
A digital textile design development platform that will bring together a community of industrial textile artists.
This will be a platform for training and supporting artists, selling works and printing them on fabrics of any size. State-of-the-art software connects designers with customers, fabric printing factories, delivery services.
The platform is created in two languages.
In the course of the project, the first Russian study of the state of textile design will be carried out, analysis and systematization of works, search and selection of the best authors, preparation of their works for publication on a platform for promotion in Russia and abroad.
We will be hosting a special edition of the Textile Design Talents Solstudio Award. An information center "Study" will be created on the platform, uniting the departments of textile design of the main universities of the country.
And this is just the first step of Print-a-porter®