

Technopark establishes business contacts with Chengdu (China)

In order to expand scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and China, the Chengdu del

The first Russian electric car with a prototype power plant based on…

Ev-Tech LLC will present its technology at the Moscow International Forum “Open Innovations” for the

The 4th International Conference on Additive Technologies was held at…


The first meeting of the new public structure, the Committee on Industrial…

Welcoming the new association within the walls of the Chamber, Suren Vardanyan, the Vice President o

Additive Technology Conference - online on Kalibr PJSC web-site

Tomorrow, October 10, 2019, the IV International Conference “Russia on the World 3D Printing Market:

Технопарк "Калибр" снова занимает лидирующие позиции

Ассоциация кластеров и технопарков России подвела итоги VНационального рейтинга технопарков Росси