Entrepreneurs of Russia and France are interested in developing beneficial cooperation

On May 26, 2020, with the support of the Government of Moscow, as well as the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, the online meeting was held highlighting the prospects for cooperation between business communities of Russia and France.
The event included presentations by representatives of the professional guilds of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the French side - President of the Russian-French Economic Chamber (CERF), Didier Chaudezag, former Minister of the French Republic Maurice Leroy and others.
As Vice President of the ICCI Suren Vardanyan noted, “France has been a key partner of our country for many years. Therefore, information on the current state of its economy and how it is possible to enter this promising market is important and interesting for entrepreneurs. ”
Kristina Zarubina, head of Moscow Kalibr Technopark, spoke about the main activities of the organization, and also announced its readiness to attract French startups to its territory.
More information is here: https://mostpp.ru/news/mezhdunarodnaya-deyatelnost/predprinimateli-rossii-i-frantsii-zainteresovany-v-razvitii-vzaimovygodnogo-sotrudnichestva/